FarmHouse focused model powers new landscape of livestock production


Bringing innovative knowledge, technologies, resources and collaboration to farmers’ kitchen table

Imagine a world where livestock producers have all the expertise and resources they need for decision making right at the farmhouse kitchen table.

This is a concept rapidly gaining steam as animal agriculture evolves to meet heightened demands in the wake, not only of a global pandemic, but of many fundamental changes over the past decade — from new rules and regulations to higher transparency and sustainability expectations, along with shifting consumer preferences.

As innovative new models rise to the forefront to help producers make a successful transition to the future, key trends include a greater emphasis on cutting-edge science, strategies and technologies, streamlined operations approaches and enhanced collaboration at all levels. But perhaps most significant is a much stronger focus on the farm itself as the foundation of opportunity and — coupled with this — a return to the farmers’ kitchen table, whether in person or virtual, as the place where the important conversations and decisions take place.

“The farm remains the heart of where value is created in agriculture,” says J. Neil Dobson, co-founder of FarmHouse Consultants Inc., a newly launched Manitoba-based company on the front line of advancing this concept. “We have been reminded of this during the pandemic as people appreciate more than ever the value of a reliable, high-quality food supply. Yet somewhere along the way many of the conversations and decisions in agriculture got shifted away from the primary producer. They took place at the corporate boardroom table rather than the farm’s kitchen table. We’re seeing a big push now by many farmers to reverse that.”

Driving progress for the primary producer

The shift back to farm focused decision-making has been driven in part by the increasing responsibilities of individual farming operations, which today more than ever find themselves on the frontline of managing many new pressures and expectations. They need greater control and support to make the best decisions that address multiple needs and also keep production-sustaining profits flowing. They also need to keep up to date with identifying and taking advantage of new technologies critical to staying competitive.

Dobson and partner Patrick Hague established FarmHouse to help producers succeed — offering a fresh approach and simplified framework to bringing the world’s best knowledge, technologies and resources direct to farm. After laying a strong foundation over recent months, the duo formalized their partnership on June 5, 2020. Building on the FarmHouse team’s extensive background and experience, their main initial focus is on the swine and poultry industries.

Championing innovation, simplified framework
Highlights of key in-demand services during the current phase for FarmHouse include nutrition consulting and utilizing the new wave of advanced feed technologies rapidly gaining traction —for example in swine and poultry, the new Yeast Bioactives and MCFA (medium chain fatty acids) technologies.

“The producers we work with are finding that feed and nutrition strategies are a big difference maker — bigger than ever before because of the higher level of knowledge and technologies available, along with developments such as the shift away from mainstream usage of antibiotics,” says Dobson.

Broad expansion potential

The model established by FarmHouse has broad expansion potential across livestock sectors, supporting a wide variety of production needs. “Our approach uses the analogy of a target,” says Hague. “The bulls-eye represents the farm. Each concentric ring represents the layers of resources, in order of importance, that we can help bring to the farm through quality and reliable sources we have already vetted. Our client always has the final say on which resources to include, while we are there to help guide them through the process and connect them with the best options, including resources and additional collaborators.”

The drive toward supporting decisions on-farm has further accelerated in recent months, only gaining even more momentum in a world facing increased challenges. FarmHouse as part of the vanguard of this trend has seen strong early growth across Canada and into the U.S. midwestern and eastern regions. “Farmers are facing increased complexity across the board,” says Hague. “However, by bringing the best information and options to their kitchen table in a simplified framework, we can help them make the right decisions, to not just survive but actually do better than ever before in the new environment.”