Holstein Canada Announces the 2021 National Shows


Source: Holstein Canada

From November 17 to 20, Holstein Canada will hold the 2021 National Shows in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Following the cancellation of the RAWF, the organization has been closely monitoring the pandemic situation as well as public health guidelines; we are confident that we will be able to give breeders an event in compliance with all requirements. “We will ensure that activities are cost recovery and safe for all participants,” promises the Association’s new President, Elyse Gendron.

An organizing committee will run the National Shows. Composed of an external coordinator
and members from the West, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada, this committee will
ensure that exhibitors and visitors alike have an enjoyable experience while ensuring the
safety of our members and employees. Holstein Canada will be monitoring the situation
closely this fall and will make any necessary adjustments. Holding a National show will fuel
the spirit of local and regional shows and will be a showcase for Canadian genetics. Such an
event is key to provide worldwide visibility to Holstein enthusiasts. The schedule and nature
of the activities will be communicated soon.