Intelinair Launches New Postseason Data Analytics Suite For Full-Season Crop Management


Source: Intelinair news release

Intelinair, the makers of AGMRI and a leading ag data analytics company, announced the latest addition to its suite of data analytics for the 2024 crop season – AGMRI Analyze. AGMRI Insights, the in-season analytics suite, will continue to be available to inform real-time data-driven decision-making.

AGMRI Analyze monitors nine common yield-limited factors, enabling farmers to pinpoint and understand potential issues that have impacted their yield during the season. This data-driven approach helps farmers make informed decisions for the upcoming crop season, ultimately contributing to improved efficiency and yield potential.

“With the addition of Analyze, we have created a more complete data analytics package that farmers can rely on for both in-season monitoring and postseason analytics,” said Tim Hassinger, Intelinair president and CEO. “Our team identified nine common rate-limiting factors based on feedback from AGMRI users, and we’ve integrated them into this new capability for the 2024 season. By consolidating in-season and postseason analytics into a unified platform, we’re taking real-time and postseason data-driven decision-making to the next level.”

Highlights of AGMRI Insights and AGMRI Analyze:

Use Case: Using AGMRI Analyze to Measure Emergence Impact on Yield

Measured emergence helps farmers determine the emergence percentage and how well hybrids or varieties performed. With this information, a farmer can explore which hybrids or varieties had a combination of good emergence and yield and answer key questions for planning for the next crop season.

“If a hybrid or variety had poor emergence but still produced a good yield per 1,000 plants, a farmer can explore varied factors such as soil conditions, soil types, weather, planter speed, and other factors that might have limited the emergence potential of those specific hybrids and varieties,” said Conner Schmidt, Intelinair national sales leader. “If good emergence relative to planted rate exists and a poor yield occurs, then a grower may want to reconsider the placement of those hybrids and varieties or possibly eliminate them altogether from their product selection.”

Schmidt added, “Other factors to investigate are nutrient deficiencies, disease, or crop stress on how they impacted the final yield.”

For more information about Intelinair, AGMRI Insights and AGMRI Analyze, or how to sign up for the 2024 season, visit

About Intelinair

Intelinair provides whole field insights all season long to farmers and ag retailers through its easy-to-use interactive platform, AGMRI. Through AGMRI Insights and AGMRI Analyze, Intelinair’s proven data analytics capabilities tracks every acre, every factor – emergence & population impacts, nutrient utilization, hybrid and variety performance, and even weather impact – for data-driven in season and postseason decision making and identifies sustainability opportunities. Learn more at or visit our social media channels.