Source: Ontario Genomics
Ontario Genomics, the Agricultural Adaptation Council and Genome Canada have partnered with Farm and Food Care Ontario to produce five educational videos highlighting cutting-edge technology and research across Ontario’s agriculture and agri-food sectors. This series features a 360-degree, virtual reality tour of the University of Guelph’s Ontario Dairy Research Centre in Elora, showcasing a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to supporting Ontario’s dairy industry and providing customer benefit.
Dr. Christine Baes, a dairy cow researcher at the University of Guelph who participated in the project said, “Genomics, which is the study of DNA, plays a key role in scientific discovery and technology innovation. As we’ve seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it can also help address some of our most pressing challenges. In this video series, we explore how genomics is being used to ensure Ontario and Canada have a secure food system for generations to come, while protecting our environment and constantly improving animal welfare.”
The additional four videos feature interviews with researchers from the University of Guelph and Trent University and industry partners on topics including:
These resources were created with funding from the Agricultural Adaptation Council and Ontario Genomics, through Genome Canada, as part of the Ontario Regional Priorities Partnership Program (ON-RP3). Learn more about eight Ontario-focused, industry-academic partnership projects that are positively impacting Ontario’s agriculture and agri-food sectors.