Market Outlook- Report Summary July 2024


Source: USDA

The 2024 forecast for the average number of milk cows is revised upward to 9.350 million head on recent inventory data and improved margins. The forecasts for milk per cow and total milk production are lowered to 24,265 pounds and 226.9 billion pounds, respectively. Wholesale dairy product price forecasts for 2024 are raised as follows: Cheddar cheese $1.820 (+3 cents), dry whey $0.440 (+0.5 cents), butter $3.005 (+3.5 cents), and nonfat dry milk $1.185 (+1.0 cents) per pound. The all-milk price for 2024 is now forecast at $22.25 per hundredweight (cwt), up $0.65 from last month’s forecast. The 2025 forecast for the dairy herd size is revised upward on higher expected farm margins, while the forecasts for yield per cow and total milk production are revised downward. The wholesale prices for the main dairy products for 2025 are revised upward. The all-milk price for 2025 is now forecast at $22.50 per cwt, up $1.00 from last month’s forecast.

See the latest Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report.