Message to Industry – Opening of the Application Period for the 2022-2023 Dairy Year TRQs and CUSMA Calendar Year 2022 Dairy TRQs (August to December 2022)


Source: Government of Canada

Global Affairs Canada has opened the application period for the 2022-2023 dairy year TRQs and the previously unallocated quota under the 2022 CUSMA calendar year dairy TRQs, starting on May 16, 2022 and with a deadline of June 15, 2022.

Subsequent to the CUSMA dairy TRQs Panel report published in January 2022 and the completion of public consultations on Canada’s Panel report implementation plan, Canada has amended its allocation policies for all CUSMA dairy TRQs, including their respective application forms.

Under the new CUSMA dairy TRQs policies, Canada has:

  • Removed all allocation holder pools under all CUSMA dairy TRQs; and
  • Included distributors as eligible under the CUSMA Industrial Cheeses TRQ.

Interested entities, who are not current allocation holders under the 2022 CUSMA calendar year dairy TRQs can apply for a portion of the previously unallocated quota under these TRQs by submitting an application.  Current allocations holders under the 2022 CUSMA calendar year dairy TRQs are not required to submit a new application.

Please note that given Canada’s deep concerns with the discriminatory electric vehicle tax credits proposed in the Build Back Better bill under U.S. Congress consideration, a decision regarding the potential allocation of the previously unallocated quota under the 2022 CUSMA calendar year dairy TRQs will be taken as the issue evolves, but not later than July 31. Any previously allocated and unused quota under the 2022 CUSMA calendar year dairy TRQs will remain valid until December 31, 2022.

There are no changes to existing ministerial allocation policies for the 2022-2023 dairy year TRQs under the WTO and CPTPP, however, there have been some changes to the CPTPP dairy year TRQ application forms.

The current Notices and all application forms can be found on the Supply-Managed TRQs website.

The Notices should be read in conjunction with the General Information on the Administration of TRQs for Supply-Managed Products and the Key Dates and Access Quantities 2022-2023: TRQs for Supply-Managed Products.

Changes to the TRQ application process resulting from COVID-19

Recognizing the continued impacts COVID-19 is having on stakeholders’ ability to conduct normal operations, Global Affairs Canada will continue to apply certain changes for the 2022-2023 dairy year TRQ application process.

On an exceptional basis, the requirement to provide an accountant’s letter for the upcoming TRQ application period is waived.

Moreover, given that access to certain Government of Canada facilities remains restricted due to COVID-19 measures, all TRQ applications will continue to be submitted electronically. The email address to which you must submit your application is provided on each application form and on our Contact Us page.