NMC seeks Scholars applicants


Source: National Mastitis Council

Four graduate students will earn trip to annual meeting in Dallas

The National Mastitis Council (NMC) Scholars program offers four travel scholarships to full-time graduate students interested in controlling mastitis, promoting udder health and improving milk quality. Successful applicants earn an expense-paid trip to attend the NMC 60th Annual Meeting, Jan. 25-28, 2021, in Dallas.

To apply for the NMC Scholars program, applicants must complete the application form, submit an interest statement that details the applicant’s interest in controlling mastitis and improving milk quality, career goals and research project(s), and provide a letter of recommendation. Applicants may also share additional information, such as awards, honors and scholarships received.

At least two NMC Scholars will be graduate students at a university or college outside of the United States and Canada. Eligible candidates must be an NMC member and enrolled full time at a college or university in a dairy, animal or veterinary science, microbiology or related program at the time of application deadline, with an area of interest that includes mastitis control and quality milk production.

The application deadline is July 31. Applicants will be notified by Aug. 31, regarding the selection committee’s decision. To learn more about the program and to apply, go to:https://www.nmconline.org/nmc-scholars-program. Selection priority will be given to applicants who have not previously attended an NMC Annual Meeting. Previous NMC Scholars are eligible to apply, but preference will be given to those who have not been previously selected.

Funding for the NMC Scholars program comes from NMC members’ and supporters’ generous contributions. For more information, contact JoDee Sattler, NMC Scholars program coordinator, at (414) 587-5839 or jdsattler@nmconline.org.

NMC is a professional organization devoted to reducing mastitis and enhancing milk quality. NMC promotes research and provides information to the dairy industry on udder health, milking management, milk quality and milk safety. Founded in 1961, NMC has close to 1,000 members in more than 40 countries throughout the world.