Source: BC Milk Marketing Board
The Board is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for those interested in becoming New Entrants to the dairy industry with a desire to start production in 2022.
The New Entrant Program (NEP)
The policy objective of a New Entrant Program (NEP) is simply to encourage and facilitate people to enter the dairy industry as new producers. The Board’s NEP program provides 15kgs of Continuous Daily Quota (CDQ) as incentive quota to start milk production, plus up to 8kgs of matching CDQ provided on a 1:1 ratio basis during the 10 years of the program.
The process has changed from last year, please see a brief outline below:
- A completed online application form and online payment ($250 non-refundable administration fee) must be received by the BC Milk Marketing Board office by February 5, 2021 to qualify for the random draw.
- Candidates are required to have a minimum of two years’ dairy farm experience or an educational equivalent, such as the Dairypro® program.
- A random draw will be held by February 10, 2021.
- Ten candidates will be drawn randomly by an independent 3rd party. Candidates’ names will be announced via Notice and posted on the Board’s website.
- All ten candidates will submit verification documents and a business plan to the Board.
- All ten candidates will be interviewed by an NEP Selection Committee (June 2021), which will recommend three candidates for the program to the Board for production starts by the end of 2022.
- There will be NO waitlist held.
- All applications and payments must be submitted online to qualify for the random draw
For more details, including the full requirements and restrictions of the program, Schedule 2 – NEP Rules of the BC Milk Marketing Board’s Consolidated Order June 1, 2020 and the application form, please click here: New Entrant Program (NEP) Apply Here
For any questions regarding this Notice, please contact zabdalla@bcmilk.com