Podcast “Heat Stress Interventions”


Summer heat is at full strength and that means heat stress for your animals. Tonight, we bring together a powerhouse roundtable of experts in the field of heat stress management to talk through the physiology and mechanisms for effectively managing the warm temperatures this summer.


In this Real Science Exchange episode, you’ll hear from one of the most popular Real Science Lecture Series guests, Dr. Lance Baumgard from Iowa State University.


Dr. Baumgard first discussed the benefits of mitigating heat stress in the record-settting live webinar last summer. You can watch that recording here.


During episode #17, he’s joined by Dr. Rosemarie Zimbelman of Dairy Nutrition Services and Dr. Bob Collier from the University of Idaho.


Be sure to listen through the end, as Dr. Baumgard shares his thoughts on the negative consequences of in utero heat stress and the calf becoming less feed efficient and less productive.


Listen to this one-hour podcast on your favorite listening platform (Apple Podcast, Stitcher, etc.) or watch the latest Real Science Exchange podcast here.