Podcast: “Rumen Friendly Fatty Acids in Oleic Beans”


Soybeans and dairy cows have walked hand for decades. These oil beans are known specifically for the amino acid sequence in their high-quality protein and energy to support lactation. Recent developments in plant breeding has shifted the fat profile of the bean contain a higher amount of Oleic fat, which is easier for the rumen to digest, in certain varieties.

Substituting linoleic acid for higher concentrations of oleic allows nutritionists to increase the inclusion rate in the diet and therefore support the herd during times of high production. This month we feature an article from  Dr. Adam Lock and his team at Michigan State University as highlighting research generated from on-farm questions.

Ensuring producers know how much to feed, and how to feed high oleic soybeans to the herd was the objective of a series of research projects in the pipeline of publications due to come from MSU in the coming months and years.