Podcast: Sample-based Pregnancy Testing


AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by AABP member Dr. Greg Goodell from The Dairy Authority in Greeley, Colo. This episode is sponsored by Allflex. To learn more about Allflex monitoring solutions, visit this link.

Sample-based pregnancy testing involves the detection of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) which are produced by the trophoblast cells in the placenta. The goal of pregnancy testing is to find open cows in the herd to enroll them in a rebreeding program or to make culling decisions for open animals to decrease feed costs. Sample-based pregnancy testing can be incorporated into beef and dairy herd reproduction programs. Goodell explains that there is not a one-size-fits-all program, and the herd veterinarian can determine how to incorporate sample-based pregnancy testing with traditional reproductive ultrasound or palpation. We discuss when PAGs can be detected and how long they last post-calving. The test can be used for initial pregnancy testing or confirmatory testing, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sample-based testing versus ultrasound or palpation. The test can also be used as an initial test with follow-up testing with ultrasound or palpation for confirmation to determine the correct stage or identify twins or non-viable calves. Goodell reports that the test is highly accurate and is very comparable to an experienced veterinarian doing traditional pregnancy testing. Goodell states that although his practice performs fewer manual reproductive exams due to incorporation of sample based pregnancy testing, this has provided opportunities for involvement in several other areas of his client’s operations such as calf management, protocol development, employee training, records analysis, biosecurity, milk quality programs, nutrition consulting and others. He recommends that veterinarians discuss pregnancy detection options with their clients so they are prepared in the event client’s ask them questions about these programs. Developing reproductive programs that are tailored to your client’s needs as well as learning skills to develop consulting services for your clients can ensure your relevance and value to the operations you serve.