We are back at the Real Science Exchange for another pubcast joined by dairy industry professionals. This week, during episode #12, our hosts Scott Sorrell and Dr. Clay Zimmerman are joined by Dr. Kevin Harvatine from Penn State University and Dr. Isaac Salfer from the University of Minnesota.
The discussion around the table is focused on understanding seasonal and daily rhythms on milk and component yields. Earlier this year, Dr. Harvatine joined Balchem Animal Nutrition & Health for a Real Science lecture on the same topic. Click here to watch a recording of his lecture.
Both guests discuss what to consider if a dairy wants to minimize seasonality and maintain herds’ high yields. During the conversation in the virtual pub, they also stress the importance of adjusting rations to maximize input during seasonal shifts.
Listen, or watch, this hour-long podcast at BalchemANH.com/Podcast or tune in on your favorite listening platform.