Preventing Needlestick Injuries


Over 80% of farm workers have accidentally stuck themselves with a needle. This includes farmers and employees who work on dairy farms. In this video, the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center discusses:

• most common injuries associated with needlesticks

• guidelines for correct use

• products or biologics of most concern

• proper disposal in approved sharps containers

• steps to take if injured while injecting your dairy cows.

This video is an educational resource intended for farmers, ranchers, farm employees, veterinarians, human resources training staff and those involved with worker health and safety training/education. It can be used in conjunction with the fact sheets: “Needlestick Prevention on the Farm” and “Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians” which are available at

The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center is funded by a cooperative agreement from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health – U54 OH010170.

This video is provided for informational and educational purposes only. The video contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC/NIOSH or any other funders.