Pricing a salvaged crop


From the July 24, 2018 Broadcast of Call of the Land

Recent hail storms in the province have left some producers with severely damaged crops. The questions now are what to do with those crops and how to price a salvaged crop. To answer those questions, we’ve got Ted Nibourg, farm business management specialist at the Ag-Info Centre on the line.

Interview with Ted Nibourg (3:24 minutes) (1.55 Mb)

For more information, call the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM, 310-3276.

And a reminder you can listen to Call of the Land and check out coming events on your mobile device using the Call of the Land App. It’s available for free from iTunes and Google Play.

For further information, contact Caitlynn Reesor at 780-422-3981. Click here to view the latest Call of the Land.