Registration for the 2023 Western Canadian Dairy Seminar – Building on 40 Years of Dairy Extension – is OPEN


The Western Canadian Dairy Seminar (WCDS) is celebrating its 40th anniversary at the Red Deer Resort & Casino (formerly Cambridge Hotel), Red Deer, AB from March 7 – 10, 2023. Over 3 days, industry leaders will present on current research and new technology to address emerging challenges facing the dairy industry.

The program kicks off on Tuesday, March 7 with sponsor led workshops and the 40th anniversary opening reception. A wide rage of topics will be covered during the seminar including new technologies in nutrition and reproduction, calf management and preventing diseases, and emerging trends in on-farm sustainability. The 2023 WCDS will also feature 3 virtual farm tours as part of the producer panel, with this year’s focus on farms that have implemented ‘The Big Change’. As always, the 2023 WCDS will host a Student Research Presentation competition; however, a Student Poster Competition has also been added to this years program. View the program at

With two receptions, a banquet, and ample networking opportunities in the 75-booth trade show area, the WCDS is the place to reconnect with friends and colleagues and make new connections. Be sure to join on Tuesday evening for the WCDS 40th Anniversary Celebration, with refreshments and live music!

Register by February 10, 2023 to receive our early bird pricing ($295 for full registration, single day and student pricing also available) and to be entered to win 1 of 8 WCDS touques. You can register online or download our registration form at

About the WCDS

The Western Canadian Dairy Seminar (WCDS) was started in 1982 by Dr. John Kennelly from the University of Alberta, in collaboration with other founding organizations with a shared vision to support the growth and success of the Canadian dairy industry. The WCDS now draws more than 800 delegates from across Canada and the world (USA, Europe, and Asia) and is recognized as one of the premier dairy conferences in the world.

This seminar is designed for dairy producers, extension specialists, researchers, and dairy service and supply representatives who want to improve their knowledge and decision-making abilities in dairy production and management. Each year a wide variety of topics are presented ranging from nutrition and reproduction to dairy policy and challenges facing the dairy industry.


Contact: Kira Hames, Conference Coordinator,, 780-492-3236