Saskatchewan: Agristability Enrolment Deadline Extended to June 30, 2022


Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Today, Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit announced the AgriStability enrolment deadline for the 2022 program year has been extended without penalty to June 30, 2022. This step, agreed to by federal, provincial, and territorial governments, will help producers manage the impact of avian influenza (bird flu), current market disruptions, increased expenses and production challenges facing many farm operations.

AgriStability is a low-cost, business risk management program. Coverage is personalized for each farm by using historical data to calculate a program year margin and a reference margin. AgriStability helps protect a producer’s bottom line against production loss, increased costs or market conditions. In the last five program years, Saskatchewan producers have received over $435 million in benefit payments.

Recent changes to the AgriStability Program make it more responsive for producers. Removing the reference margin limit from the AgriStability Program means payments are more predictable, more equitable and more efficient across all agriculture sectors.


“Our Government is doing everything it can to support producers to ensure they make it through the challenges today, and are better positioned for the future. Many producers are facing stress and uncertainty due to circumstances beyond their control. This step to extend the enrollment deadline will help more producers manage the impact of challenges facing their farm operations and provide them with more time to take advantage of the support available under AgriStability.”

– The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

“Producers cannot control every risk impacting their operation, but they can control how they prepare for them. The uncertainty of this year’s growing season reinforces the importance of our Business Risk Management Programs. This deadline extension gives producers additional time to customize their risk management package for their operations.”

– David Marit, Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture

Quick facts

  • Enrolling in the AgriStability Program is easy. Saskatchewan producers can provide all the necessary information over the phone through a brief conversation.
  • Producers can also complete the short contact form to begin the application process and request a call back from AgriStability staff.
  • Saskatchewan Crop Insurance (SCIC) staff are available to assist producers over the phone (1-866-270-8450) or through email (, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.