Webinar Today- Tapping the brakes on milk flow’ – DiaryLivestream on today


Some processing changes are being made to divert milk to other channels, such as food banks, and free up facility space, but still some dairy farmers are being asked or simply required to reduce their milk production — quite an unusual circumstance for an industry that continues to improve production and efficiency in order to feed a growing population.

What strategies can dairymen and dairywomen implement to meet these production restraints? That will be covered in this week’s edition of DairyLivestream.

Panelists include:
Jason Karszes, Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University.

Michael Hutjens, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

Mark Stephenson, Chair of the State of Wisconsin’s Dairy 2.0 Task Force, UW-Madison Director of Dairy Policy Analysis and Director of Wisconsin’s Center for Dairy Profitability.

Christopher Wolf, a Cornell University agricultural economics professor with 22 years of experience.

Corey Geiger, managing editor of Hoard’s Dairyman, will serve as the panel moderator.

This live event will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29, at 11 a.m. CDT.

If you’ve previously registered for Dairy Livestream, you do not need to register again. You will automatically be sent the link to join the live presentation.

Send your questions to livestream@hoards.com. Live attendees will also be able to submit questions during the broadcast. The presentation will be archived for later viewing.

Thank you to Lallemand for sponsoring this broadcast of DairyLivestream.